Today is Hermione Granger’s 39th Birthday! Neide and I always joke about having such a hard time writing Birthday posts for Emma – because it’s difficult putting in to words how someone you’ve never really met has affected your life. Emma and Hermione are different, of course, but the fact is we have grown up with both of them, and The Brightest Witch of Her Age is the reason we met one of our biggest role models.
Our fansite was launched back when Emma still spent most of her years filming Harry Potter, which means Hermione is the main reason I Heart Watson exists, and the reason many of you have visited it for over a decade. She’s the reason some of us made friends we’ll have for the rest of our lives, and the reason so many girls have felt empowered. On her Birthday, we’d like to congratulate J.K. Rowling, Emma Watson and Noma Dumezweni for bringing such an important female character to life. You have left a mark in all of us, and we are so thankful for it. ❤
