Hi everyone! Emma attended the “We Dare To Dream” Premiere in London earlier today, and, as luck would have it, we actually came across this update before wrapping up for the day. I know it’s been a long time since we’ve updated our gallery this quickly! I hope you enjoy the photos – we might add more during the week, if we find them.

Our 25th version is now online! It’s a special one for me, as it’s the first I designed/coded (almost) entirely on my own. I had been reminiscing about old school layouts, the kind we might have seen when IHW was first launched in 2007, so the header is a little more on that style, as opposed to some clean ones we’ve had in the past. I’m considering the possibility of changing layouts more often, too, and assigning specific themes to them – such as Emma’s characters, specific photoshoots she’s done over the years, maybe even events in which she sported our favorite looks. We’ll see whether my free time (and my patience/desire to play on photoshop) end up contributing to that in the future.
Naturally, we’ve changed our gallery layout to match the main website! I tried a different format on that one, because we’ve had the same type of structure on those for years, and, frankly, I was a little bored of it.
I hope you like our new look (or, in the very least, that you don’t hate it!). Don’t forget to follow @iheartewatson on twitter for updates.