I Heart Watson (www.iheartwatson.net) is a non-profit fansite for actress and human rights activist Emma Watson. It is run by fans and has no affiliation with Emma herself, her management, family or friends. We have maintained this resource online for over 15 years, along with retired team members, because we appreciate her projects, and because it allows us to connect with people that have similar interests. We do not post or allude to facts or rumors regarding Emma's personal life, out of respect for her privacy. The content we share is not owned by us, unless otherwise stated, we just gather it all into a single resource. Thank you for visiting, and we hope you enjoy your stay!

Visit our filmography page to see all of Emma's movies!
Posts Tagged ‘2008’
Gabby   —   Gallery Photoshoots

And our massive gallery update continues! We have now added missing photos from various photo sessions of Emma in 2007, 2008 and 2009. We have also stumbled upon a conundrum, and we’d love to hear your take on this: We have several photoshoots for which Emma posed while dressed as Hermione Granger, that were used during the promotion of the Harry Potter films by different magazines. They are currently in the “Photoshoots & Portraits” category, and we’ve started to wonder if it wouldn’t make more sense to move them to their respective films instead. Here are some examples: 01, 02, 03. What’s your opinion? Do we move them? Do we leave them where they are? We can’t decide what makes more sense, so please let us know what you think!

emma watson, photoshoot, 2007emma watson, photoshoot, 2007emma watson, photoshoot, 2007emma watson, photoshoot, 2007emma watson, photoshoot, official website, 2007

emma watson, photoshoot, 2008emma watson, photoshoot, 2008emma watson, photoshoot, 2008emma watson, photoshoot, 2008emma watson, photoshoot, 2008

emma watson, photoshoot, 2008emma watson, photoshoot, 2009emma watson, photoshoot, 2009emma watson, photoshoot, 2009emma watson, photoshoot, 2009